วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Aika Online Close beta

Aika Online Game Title: AIKA Online
Genre: Fantasy
Developer: JoyImpact
Publisher: Hanbit Soft
Status: 1st Closed Beta (Mar. 6th, 2008)

Last time we show you the unique Daughter System in MMO AIKA Online. We'll bring you the latest details about that.

Player is able to nuture sprites, we name them "Daughter". The nuture system is similar with pet system in other MMOs. As time goes on, her spirit and semblance will grow. It is noteworthy that, your words and deeds will affect the daughter's individuality as Love Developing Games. As a result, your own daughter should certainly be different approach from others. That's none other than our real life!

1. From these screenshots we could find that daughter grows from a kid to maturing one. Her inherent quality of character are multiple, and she will talk with player. The answers make the effect.

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